
Beiträge zum Thema desert

only a piece of mother pearl with a little fire opal from our gem-collection

opal-gems from the Danakil desert in Ethiopia
delicious milc drops from the deep sky

"There will be some water just over there"! They hadn't spoken to each other for hours, tongue dried up somewhere behind clenched lips. With the outstretched arm that had peeled out of the shapeless silhouette of black cloth, the old man pointed far away towards the horizon. You couldn't see anything. Stones, only stones, dark and forbidding, they lay strewn side by side, in some places piled up in smaller heaps, round, endless crests that lay side by side like the backs of fallen enemies,...

  • Bayern
  • Diedorf
  • 11.08.23
  • 1
compass of black horn with silver inlays, desert stones and shells, Tuareg , Mali

fairytale of the Tuareg of northern Mali
The compass made of black goat horn

Only when the embers of the red sun had sunk far behind the endless expanses of sand desert dotted with black rock pustules did young Targi roll out from under his lair where he had lain resting from the scorching heat of the day. However, he carefully avoided putting his supporting hands out of the shadow cast by the sharp-edged, flat splinter of basalt so as not to come into direct contact with the skin of the still glowing sand. He then took a slow, economical little sip with relish from the...

  • Bayern
  • Diedorf
  • 11.08.23
  • 1
  • 1

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