Wie Zeichnen Aktivitäten helfen,
Wie Zeichnen Aktivitäten helfen, die Aufmerksamkeit von Kindern zu behalten
Drawing is an essential skill in life. Studies show that drawing is a superior activity compared to reading and writing. Drawing allows processing of information in various ways such as visual, semantic and kinesthetic. Another study explains that the brain is made up of a system built of neural pathways and it improves attention when children engage in drawing. This helps to enhance their attention/concentration skills in all areas of their lives. When the brain's attention network is developed, children's intelligence increases.
Activities that help children develop attention skills:
1. Doodling
Doodling refers to small, mindless sketches, spontaneous markings, abstract patterns, pictures of landscapes, faces and other objects. You may be wondering how it can help children retain attention. Yes, this aspect of drawing can improve children's focus and concentration. Recent research in neuroscience has shown that drawing ideas like doodling helps people concentrate, understand new concepts and retain information. When creating pictures or interesting subjects, attention increases, stress decreases, and feelings are explored and expressed through drawing.
2. Coloring/Painting
Coloring/painting is an essential aspect of drawing that adds magic to the result. This simple act allows children to focus on coloring the lines or object and be aware of what they are doing. Coloring helps children memorize specific information and increase their attention span.
3. Cartoon Drawing
This style of drawing keeps children focused for longer periods of time. Cartoons are humorous or animated characters that can be captioned. Children love cartoons and drawing their favorite pictures is one way to develop their attention span.
4. Figure Drawing
Figure drawing improves concentration. When children engage in figure drawing, also known as still life drawing, their attention skills are greatly improved.
5. Caricature Drawing
Caricatures are pictorial representations of images with exaggerated features that create comical effects or a humorous impression.
In summary, drawing is a useful activity that helps children focus on creating pictures, shapes and other things. Regardless of a child's age, drawing helps to maintain attention in all areas. Drawing and coloring pages make them adept at paying attention to the things that interest them, and having the freedom to choose what they want to produce makes them more focused on getting it right. There are many benefits that come from drawing for children of all ages. Children should have the opportunity to explore, express and develop their drawing skills. Drawing is fun and enjoyable; try it today!
Bürgerreporter:in:Michael Richard |
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