Bombernanschlag in Bulgarien...

- hochgeladen von Wolf STAG
Der Bombenanschlag auf israelische Touristen in Bulgarien ist laut dem bulgarischen Innenminister wohl von einem Selbstmordattentäter verübt worden. Für führende israelische Politiker steht fest, wer hinter der Bluttat steckt: die radikalislamische Hisbollah und Iran. "Lächerlich", heißt es aus Teheran.
The president Martin Schulz made the following statement on the deadly attack at Burgas airport which took place on Wednesday:
"I condemn this heinous and cowardly attack on innocent holidaymakers at Burgas airport in Bulgaria. On behalf of the European Parliament, I offer my condolences to the family and friends of the victims and wish those injured a speedy recovery. A full investigation by Bulgarian and Israeli authorities is ongoing into the incident which killed citizens from both nations. Latest reports confirm that this was indeed a terrorist attack which I condemn unreservedly. Those that carried out this barbaric terrorist attack must be brought to justice."
Armin Machmer
EP President Martin Schulz to meet Romanian PM Victor Ponta
Brussels -
Bürgerreporter:in:Wolf STAG aus Essen |
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