
Dann möchte auch ich meiner Mutter nachgehen und eines meiner Gedichte hier veröffentlichen :D


I´m walking along a lonely road
Alone and nobody around me
I see laughing faces everywhere
But there is nobody around.

It´s illusion, bad illusion!

I´m standing in a dark room.
It´s cold and windy insinde
I can hear voices nearby
But I´m alone, alnone in the dark.

It´s illusion, bad illusion!

I´m diving in the deep blue sea
I´m alone, blind and deaf
There is a Hand touching mine
But there´s no one around

It`s illusion, bad illusion!

I´m standing in the meadow
I can´t see, hear or feel someone.
But I know, that you are with me!
You´re always by my side.

Is it illusion? Good Illusion?


Stefanie Patzal aus Garbsen


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