Hui, bin ich wichtig? - .... oder ist das vielleicht 'ne Ente??? ;-)))))

Gerade eben erhielt ich diese nette PN auf myheimat. Toll, oder? ;-))))

"Dear, Tina vom Saalestrand

I'm Maître Gracia Noutais-HOLO, Private lawyer to Late Mr. Peter Saalestrand, a national of your country, who used to work as the Director of petroliers total Benin On the 27th of May 2010 my client and his family were involved in a car accident unfortunately lost their lives, my client had an account valued at about ($2.8 million dollars) deposited in Bank here,

I will need the following information from you below,

Your Full Name
Your Mobile telephone number
Country of origin
Your Privet E-mail ID:
Yours Job/ Business

contact on this e-mail/"


Martina (Tina) Reichelt aus Bad Kösen


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