Tolles Seminar am Sinntag, den 298. 5. 2017 bei in Waldtrudering (81827 München)
Lernen Sie wie man im Film kämpft, wie man Punches und Kicks austeilt und auch wegsteckt! Lehrreich für jeden der in einem Demoteam mitmacht oder mitmachen möchte!
Oder der Ambintionen hat, zum Film zu gehen, z.B. als Komparse oder in Nebenrollen.
Dieser Trainingstag ist für jedes Alter geeignet.
Familien bezahlen nur 9l9l Euro egal wie viele Personen an diesem Tag.
50 Euro Kinder -14 Jahre 50%
William Kely McClung
Kely McClung has spent almost his entire life training in dozens of martial arts around the
world, attaining Black Belt rank in both Japanese and Korean martial arts, winning the
World Middle-Weight Championship is Full Contact Stick-Fighting.
McClung was inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Honours in Munich, Germany in 2013
and reinducted this past April, 2017, for his contributions to martial arts films.
Mostly known for his extensive weapons knowledge and for teaching law enforcement Edge
Weapons Tactics and Defense, McClung founded and maintained schools and "Black Belt"
clubs in Atlanta, GA, Evansville, IN, Bangkok, Thailand, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and
Singapore. His extensive travels and prolonged time in South Africa and the Philippines
allowed McClung to further learn indigenous techniques and to compare and test his skills
with fighters from around the world.
His skills have been in demand in Hollywood, where he is sought after to choreograph and
add realism to the fights on film. From his first film, American Ninja IV, Kely has worked
with and done stunts on film with Michael Dudikoff, David Bradley, Mike Stone, Don
Wilson, and Olivier Gruner.
McClung has directed three Award Winning features films of his own, and continues to both
write and act. McClung is in talks as the Director of Cinematography on a faith based film to
be shot in Georgia this summer, and is prepping to star and direct a new action feature,
BLACK HEART, to be shot in Thailand later this summer.
Teaching workshops to actors and stuntmen, McClung’s unique time in front of camera as
an actor and stuntman, and behind camera as a director, choreographer, editor, sound editor,
and colorist, puts him a unique position to pass on knowledge and skill sets that have
immediate impact.
The background and cross skill set from over 40 years of focused training in Japanese,
Korean, Chinese arts, and Filipino Kali (predominately known for stick and knife), has given
McClung a base from which he can distill a wide variety of real life techniques into
condensed learning and training.
Some of the honors and ranking from notable teachers:
Black Belt - Shito Ryu Karate - Sensei Stephen Buckner
Black Belt - Tae Kwon Do - Dave Shifley, George Anderson, T.R. McClannahan
Instructor - Wing Chun, Choy Li Fut, White Crane, Hung Gar - Grandmaster Dr. Fred Wu
Black Belt - Shoryn Ryu Karate - Sensei "Papa" Paul Keller
Kick Boxing - Sensei Jeff Corley, Sensei "Papa" Paul Keller
Boxing - John Taylor
Coach - Combat Wrestling – Tim Geoghegan
Thai Boxing - Siruchai Sirusute
World Champion Full Contact Kali – training under Guru Dan Inosanto, Tuhon Leo Gaje
Instructor - Hop Gar - Sifu Wai Ku
Bürgerreporter:in:Self Defense Germany Federation e.V. (Pressestelle) aus München |
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