October 28 - October 29
Oct 28 at 10 AM to Oct 29 at 5 PM
Steinfurth Farm Steinfurther Hauptstr.7 61231 Bad Nauheim, GERMANY
Host: Anja Mays
Fire / Candle and water ceremony
October 27th 7 pm
Open to the Pulic
October 28 - 29
10am - 5 PM
Location: SHUMEI Natural Farming Steinfurth Farm
Steinfurther Hauptstr.7
61231 Bad Nauheim, GERMANY
Contact: Anja mays
Title: Spirit of the Drum Intensive
Sub Title: In-depth Understanding and Healing of Self
Spirit of the Drum workshop is for Those wishing a deeper understanding of Their drum. This gathering is for those wishing to go to the next level of understanding and finding the missing pieces of their puzzle.
Workshop Topic:
Connecting to deeper levels through the drum. Awakening the soul and spirit of the drumthrough intention. We will practice drum techniques to expand our knowledge and skills. Expanding our abundance on all levels of existence.
• We want to be able to do this in many ways.
• We want
to learn our voice by learning different styles of chanting .
• Everyone wants to learn different styles of drumming and the reason for that particular style.
• We want to leave our bodies.
• We will be able to find and / or shape shift into our power animals.
• We want to be in the world.
• We will call and channel our ancestors to obtain clarity, guidance and support.
• All participants will build and take part in a drum altar ceremony.
Bio: White Raven - Gayle Crosmaz
Gayle is a Shaman who is following the prophecy of the return of White. She has a lot of traditions within her bloodline.
As a master drum of artisan, a teacher of drum meditation she aids others in accessing primordial wisdom of the ancients. Each person wants to find them selves, by connecting with their ancestors and the wisdom.
She is travelling parts of the world where she has been invited to share her teachings and experiences.
Wisdom Drums International
Algonquin Highlands, Canada
Cell: 705-559-5951
Costs: 250 Euros
ad summited by medicine turtle of cherokee tribe
Bürgerreporter:in:medicine turtle aus Nürnberg |
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