The world is a village

Die Zukunft hat Wurzeln
  • Die Zukunft hat Wurzeln
  • hochgeladen von Wolf STAG

As wethought it might me a nice idea- to make a notice from Essen-NRW Worldwide
This year we commemorate 150 years of diplomatic links between Japan and Germany. In 1861, Prussia and Japan signed the 'Treaty of Perpetual Peace and Friendship', which provides the formal basis for today's close cooperation. Both countries are distinguished by their high technology competence.Cooperation in this sector delivers benefits to both sides. Using 'Securing the Supply of Energy' as a case in point, the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in cooperation with the Lower Rhine German-Japanese Society and the EnergyAgency.NRW shall be illustrating in a two-day event how dynamic this cooperation is, from mining to the current topic, 'Cities of the Future'. It would be a pleasure to welcome you at Erich Brost Pavilion, Zollverein Heritage Site, Kohlenwäsche, Level 38, Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181, D-45309 Essen for Japanese Miners in North Rhine-Westphalia (conference language German)19 September 2011 Cities of the Future(conference language English)20 September 2011 Additional data is available from


Wolf STAG aus Essen


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