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Turku ruft- und Sie können antworten

Die Kulturhauptstadt Turku in Finnland ruft-
das hört sich so an:

Invitation to an information sessionWednesday, 20 July at 11 amKupittaa Park, exercise area, Colourscape

Incredible Colourscape opens for the media Colourscape, now making its Nordic premiere in Turku, is a giant labyrinth comprising one hundred colourful spheres. The installation will take over Kupittaa Park, expanding nearly half a hectare in area. The network of spheres is dubbed “Festival One” and is the largest such structure in the world. Colourscape will be open to the public from 23 July to 14 August. During its three-week visit to Turku, audiences will get to enjoy a colour-saturated atmosphere as well as rare musical performances and workshops that combine music and colours. The producing organisation, Eye Music Trust (UK), will also lend its artists for the Music of the Spheres performance on the River Aura. The performance acts as the opening and closing show for Colourscape and features artists performing inside spheres floating on the river. The information session will provide information about the Colourscape programme and the workshops, the Music of the Spheres performances and allow the media to see Colourscape.
Session participants include Eye Music Trust artists and representatives from the Turku 2011 Foundation. We look forward to seeing you there! On behalf of the Turku 2011 Foundation

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Weitere Beiträge zu den Themen

EinladungNRWEssenKarim BergfeldTurkuEUROGATECapital of Culture2011


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