Du Lump! 1,319,025 Cent gewonnen? Warum nicht Euronen?
- hochgeladen von Vuolfkanc Brugger
We are delighted to inform you of our Lucky Day Lotto prize award held on the 16th of February 2010
in Netherland. This lotto awards is fully based on an electronic selection, Winners were picked by
computerized system, drawn from over 43,000,00 companies and individuals e-mail addresses
worldwide.This award is officially announced to day in Amsterdam The Netherland,Your email ID has
hereby been approved a lump sum pay out of 1,319,025 Cent in cash credit file Ref: GNP501/731KW,
Batch: AM72/PGS27/09FC, Winning No: DC61/PDN32/01NL
Simply contact Our Office of Foreign Financial Security Vsb Netherland on phone and email for your
prize claim immediately.
Mr. Rob Van Dirk.
Tel +31-684-874-123,
e-mail: nl.luckydays@aol.nl
(Jawoll, SPAM-Bots, spammt diese Email-Adresse voll, bis sie in die Knie geht!)
Congratulations! once again.
Yours in service,
Mrs. Marrith Driker
Dpt Sec
Nl. Lucky Day Loto
Jo mei, die probier'ns halt aus, die Gauner, die elenden!
Scammer oder Spammer, das ist hier die Frage!