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Weitere Informationen

i am cool here

  • Für so eine Menge Knete solltest du schon auf deutsch schreiben, my dear SPAM lady!
  • hochgeladen von Vuolfkanc Brugger

Ja, cool ist gar kein Ausdruck! Coole Spams gibt es nicht jeden Tag. Die "Laura Addison from Sudan" versüßt mir den Tag mit einem noch süßeren Versprechen:

5.5 millon dollars

Doch lest selbst die wunderbare Mär dieses SPAM-Mädchens:

Hello Dear good day to you and how are you doing over there in your country hope fine,as for me i am cool here. Let me start by introducing myself to you

My name is Laura Addison from Sudan and presently I am residing as a refugee here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war going on in my country.My late father Dr.Khor Ail Addison was the personal adviser to the former head of state before the rebels attacked my house one early morning killing my mother and my father.It is only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to near by country Senegal where the united nations have refugee camp in west Africa.

Dear, thing are very bad for me here in the refugee camp where i am living today.I was first year student in the university studing law before the ungly incident that killed my parents that put me in this horrible place i found myself toady.This place is like a prison as we are only allowed to go out on mondays and friday of the week as given by the united nations camp rules and regulation here in Senegal.

I thank God for the pastor of christ the king church located in the camp where i send and recieve emails but i can not be able to chat with you as we are only given ten minutes to check our mails,as i am using the computer there are so many refuge here who wants to use the computer.This makes it impossible to chat with you through messenger.

My dear i will like you to help me come over to meet with you in your country for a better life as my health is going down daily here due to the poor condiction of the camp where i am living.

My dear please there one other thing i will like you to do for me as i need some body who will assist me due to my refugee status here in Senegal.Before the death of my father,he deposted a sum of 5.5 millon dollars in BANK IN LONDON which my name appears as the next of kin.Already i have informed the bank about my plans to claim this money but the bank told me to look for a foreign partner who will assist me in the claim due to my refugee status here in Senegal.As a refugee i dont have a direct claim over the money but can only have it through an appointed representative.

Please my dear i will like you to help me in claiming this money so that i can come over to meet with you for a better life.My dear i will like to know your willingness to assist me in this claim so that i can give your the full contact of the bank in london for you to contact them for verification and confirmation.

God bless you as you help me out from here,

Meine email-Adresse scheint nicht so dolle bekannt zu sein, denn diese Mail ging sicherlich an ein paar Millionen "undisclosed recipients", wie man lesen kann. Und die sudanesische Dame hat eine Rückantwort-Adresse in Indien ( ).

Egal, SPAM ist weltweit. Mehr davon hier:

Ich sehe gerade, "Unser täglich Spam
Aus dem Internet frisch auf den Tisch. Köstlich und aromatisch." hat diesen SPAM noch nicht erhalten. Dafür aber andere:

PS: Schon überlesen? Million schreibt man wie "Million" und nicht wie "millon". Aber das nun am Rande. So etwas kommt vor. Selbst im Senegal.

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8 Kommentare

Trotz Spamfilter kommt das bei mir an. Ich nehms gelassen.
Wenn der Spamfilter zu streng ist, muß ich mir immer die "richtigen" Mails da wieder rausfischen.

... stimmt. Manchmal finde ich Mails von Freunden im Spam-Filter. Wenn ich dort nicht rechtzeitig nachsehe, werden sie nach gewisser Zeit gelöscht. Und dann? Wieder was verpasst!

Ist der Tag mal richtig trübe,
zieh Dir rein das in die Rübe:

Korresponenz eines furchtlosen Scam-Baiters mit dem bösen Buben, der abzocken wollte, doch an einen noch Schlaueren geriet:

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