Fireball Home - Table soccer at CDTM reaches the next level


After years of heavy abuse, the CDTM soccer table has finally broken down. The CAs Andreas and Fabian tried to calm down the arising waves of panic by making the reestablishment of student satisfaction at CDTM through organizing a new soccer table a high priority task. The first challenge was to find an appropriate sponsor. After the German Table Soccer Association declined our proposal for funding a flagship project for the promotion of up-and-coming talents, we were in desperate need of a fallback solution. Gladly, the CDTM Alumni Club showed mercy in the end and offered to fund a new piece of sports equipment.

The next challenge was to select the best table in terms of durability and ball control. After consulting external experts on the topic, the Fireball Home was suggested as the ideal solution for CDTM’s needs. According to the manufacturer, this marvelous piece of sports equipment distinct itself through precision, stability and the application of high quality materials.

After the decision was made, the order was put immediately. Unfortunately however, there was still a two week shipping period to be survived. Days felt like eternity until the new table finally arrived. It was set up the same day and has been put to good use ever since then.

Table soccer at CDTM has reached a new level with this awesome soccer table. However, existing fine motor skill, which have been perfectly geared towards the conditions of the old soccer table through years of training, did not carry over to the new environment as expected. Accordingly, frequent training sessions will be necessary to catch up the lost progress. So feel free to stop by our office whenever you are up for a challenge.

Thanks a lot to the CDTM Alumni Club who stood right by us in this time of crisis and funded our new soccer table!


Peter Specht aus München


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