Afro Swing & Traditional Mozambican Dance

We're very excited to welcome the Smile Trio from Hodi Maputo Afro Swing Association to Augsburg again! 🥳

Join us to learn Afro Swing which give you a new perspective on Lindy Hop and a traditional mozambican dance called Kassawe. You don’t wanna miss this very special opportunity!

⏳ Timetable ⌛️
19.00-20.15: Traditional Mozambican Dance - Kassawe
20.30-22.00: Afro Swing
22.15-22.30: Smile Trio Show
Price: 30€ Afro Swing / 25€ Mozambican Dance

Afro Swing
We will explore the connection between different swing dances and traditional Mozambique dance steps. The theme of Afro Swing is “life is rhythm and rhythm is life”. The jam circle – dancing in a circle – is of central importance in traditional African dance.

Kassawe is a dancing tradition from central Mozambique that talks about the importance of dancing in the circle and brings elements such as: improvisation, sharing, connection, rhythm, etc..
Kassawe is a dance originating from the province of Zambezia in central Mozambique. It aborts relevant questions about the importance and meaning of circular dances. In the African context, the circle constitutes the soul of dance, in the circle professional and beginner dancers coexist and support each other. In the circle we express our successes as well as our weaknesses. In the circle we have fun and share unforgettable moments.

More information about the Smile Trio:
Register here:


Anna Test


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