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Under the yoke of a father god
5000 Years of Patriarchy

"In the beginning was the Word". "En tä Archä to logos", as it says in the transcription of the ancient Greek translation. Logos, in contrast to myth, means the clear, precise designation of terms, the language determined purely by reason, with results that can also be verified in the form of written records. With myth, on the other hand, is the lively narrative form, which often changes in the details, the form as in pre-written, thus prehistoric times and even today in unwritten cultures, traditions are passed on.

Myth, this translation of word, language, tradition is adaptable to the respective situation. A good narrator of mythical stories embellishes, adapts to the world of experience of his listeners. He doesn't tell any "alternative truths", i.e. simply lies, but his stories, like parables, can take place in a completely different environment and still mean the same thing, want to convey a core content for the intended audience in a way that is understandable. They are supposed to be analogies (beyond logic). You just can't make a 100% claim to perpetually the same, verifiably accurate details, as logic would demand. Of course, most of the stories in the Old and New Testaments and the Koran are rarely 100% verifiable facts and certainly do not intend to be. They are just similes or analogies and leave / left many interpretation possibilities open.... but unfortunately reason enough for fundamentalists and dissenters with different interpretations to want to break their heads again and again.

Why this stubbornness?

A monotheistic religion per se naturally claims that there is only one will of the only God. Characteristic of this, for example, are the tablets of the law which, according to the “myth”, the God of the Jews gave to Moses…. firmly carved in eternal stone. "I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods beside me". The only god who, according to monotheistic religions, could be imagined as male is, as in many later paintings, depicted as an old, wise man because of his experience. According to the first commandment, he is of course an infallible legislator. His command, his interpretation of things does not allow anything else, no matter how reasonable: "Do not eat from the tree of knowledge". He passes on the execution of the laws according to the narration to the supreme leader of the Jews, Moses, who in turn elects the employee below him. The subjugation under the laws of a male power pyramid is created.

Admittedly, the picture of the wise old father with a bushy beard is of course only an invention of European artists in the service of a popular piety eager for pictures. "Thou shalt not make an effigy of God for thyself" dominates both early Christianity and Protestantism, and even more so Judaism and Islam. Of course, it is primarily about the clearly formulated laws that make this patriarchal hierarchy possible in the first place. They need the ladder, but by no means faces fixed in the ladder, because they want to ensure that every man can take a position in this ladder in an interchangeable way. For a long time, aptitude and deeds were less important in climbing the ladder system than birth. At the very bottom, the toiling slaves and serfs will hardly be able to work their way up a level.

In order to prevent dissatisfaction, not only corporal and material punishments and rewards come into play, but above all a kind of cryptocurrency: heaven with all the pleasures missed by the poor in life and eternal torments of hell come into play to take advantage of the good worker at the foot of the stairs can. Marx writes about this cryptocurrency: Religion is the opium of the people. Can't you get out of this addictive behavior? Of course, if you eat "from the forbidden tree" without being forced to do so, i.e. if you can think freely for yourself. A shower of any kind of ideology, the constant focus on superheroes at the top of the hierarchical ladder, including Marx, unfortunately keeps you stupid.

Who invented this ladder?

Of course, it is not "the Jews" who are the earliest form within our three most well-known patriarchal monotheisms. It is well known that Moses, the Jewish people, were strongly influenced by the Aton-sun-bull-god religion introduced by Akhenaten against "polytheism" and its monotheism before the exodus from Egypt. The pharaoh as the direct successor, as the earthly manifestation of the supreme and almost solely important god, thus had absolute power.... also towards the many priests of subordinate gods. That was of course primarily a political calculation. With the introduction of such a power pyramid, Akhenaten was able to draw on the political-religious experiences of other northern peoples such as the Hittites, Hurrites and other proto-Turkish tribes.

The ancestors of these "chariot tribes", these "Kurgan cultures" were in several phases beginning probably from about 3000 BC. migrated to the south and west from the steppe regions of Russia due to periods of drought. The ordering principle of the steppe peoples was patriarchally aligned to just one leader, who led the herds to new pastures in search of food, possibly supplemented by raids with other animals. The women later followed in a train. These powerful "heroes", and only you, were given a pompous burial under high mounds of earth, the kurgans. They were sons of the (male) main god of the sun, who could reward with their work through fertility of the herds and meadows and punish through drought.

There, in contrast to the “democracy” of the matriarchy of the Neolithic planter cultures in the Fertile Crescent and later across Anatolia and also in the areas along the Danube, the patriarchal hierarchy system with its top-down structured laws was developed. The subjugated planter peoples were not wiped out on their conquests, but were obliged to pay regular taxes. Livestock farming and grain cultivation: they integrated themselves.

Payments of tribute require precise definition of what is to be prepared and delivered. They require unambiguous terminology and that in writing or clear symbols and of course they require a counting system that can be managed in some way. At the beginning of this integrated mixed culture, in which the subjugated, fixed in writing, should deliver as much of certain things, was the word, was the logos. Combined with numerical values, as found in heaps on engraved lumps of clay in the Mesopotamian region, the patriarchal system of levels was secured.
In particular, of course, when, like most monotheistic religions, the focus is not on a figure of God, but on the faithful fulfillment of religious laws to the letter: Logos then becomes the word of God to be followed meticulously and leaves no thoughts of one's own, no one's own interpretation, no will of one's own..

religion is law?

"In the beginning was the Word". "En tä Archä to logos", as it says in the transcription of the ancient Greek translation. Logos, in contrast to myth, means the clear, precise designation of terms, the language determined purely by reason, with results that can also be verified in the form of written records. With myth, on the other hand, is the lively narrative form, which often changes in the details, the form as in pre-written, thus prehistoric times and even today in unwritten cultures, traditions are passed on.

Myth, this translation of word, language, tradition is adaptable to the respective situation. A good narrator of mythical stories embellishes, adapts to the world of experience of his listeners. He doesn't tell any "alternative truths", i.e. simply lies, but his stories, like parables, can take place in a completely different environment and still mean the same thing, want to convey a core content for the intended audience in a way that is understandable. They are supposed to be analogies (beyond logic). You just can't make a 100% claim to perpetually the same, verifiably accurate details, as logic would demand. Of course, most of the stories in the Old and New Testaments and the Koran are rarely 100% verifiable facts and certainly do not intend to be. They are just similes or analogies and leave / left many interpretation possibilities open.... but unfortunately reason enough for fundamentalists and dissenters with different interpretations to want to break their heads again and again.

Why this stubbornness?

A monotheistic religion per se naturally claims that there is only one will of the only God. Characteristic of this, for example, are the tablets of the law which, according to the “myth”, the God of the Jews gave to Moses…. firmly carved in eternal stone. "I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before me". The only god who, according to monotheistic religions, could be imagined as male is, as in many later paintings, depicted as an old, wise man because of his experience. According to the first commandment, he is of course an infallible legislator. His command, his interpretation of things does not allow anything else, no matter how reasonable: "Do not eat from the tree of knowledge". He passes on the execution of the laws according to the narration to the supreme leader of the Jews, Moses, who in turn elects the employee below him. The subjugation under the laws of a male power pyramid is created.

Admittedly, the picture of the wise old father with a bushy beard is of course only an invention of European artists in the service of a popular piety eager for pictures. "Thou shalt not make an effigy of God for thyself" dominates both early Christianity and Protestantism, and even more so Judaism and Islam. Of course, it is primarily about the clearly formulated laws that make this patriarchal hierarchy possible in the first place. They need the ladder, but by no means faces fixed in the ladder, because they want to ensure that every man can take a position in this ladder in an interchangeable way. For a long time, aptitude and deeds were less important in climbing the ladder system than birth. At the very bottom, the toiling slaves and serfs will hardly be able to work their way up a level.

In order to prevent dissatisfaction, not only corporal and material punishments and rewards come into play, but above all a kind of cryptocurrency: heaven with all the pleasures missed by the poor in life and eternal torments of hell come into play to take advantage of the good worker at the foot of the stairs can. Marx writes about this cryptocurrency: Religion is the opium of the people. Can't you get out of this addictive behavior? Of course, if you eat "from the forbidden tree" without being forced to do so, i.e. if you can think freely for yourself. A shower of any kind of ideology, the constant focus on superheroes at the top of the hierarchical ladder, including Marx, unfortunately keeps you stupid.

Who invented this ladder?

Of course, it is not "the Jews" who are the earliest form within our three most well-known patriarchal monotheisms. It is well known that Moses, the Jewish people, were strongly influenced by the Aton-sun-bull-god religion introduced by Akhenaten against "polytheism" and its monotheism before the exodus from Egypt. The pharaoh as the direct successor, as the earthly manifestation of the supreme and almost solely important god, thus had absolute power.... also towards the many priests of subordinate gods. That was of course primarily a political calculation. With the introduction of such a power pyramid, Akhenaten was able to draw on the political-religious experiences of other northern peoples such as the Hittites, Hurrites and other proto-Turkish tribes.

The ancestors of these "chariot tribes", these "Kurgan cultures" were in several phases beginning probably from about 3000 BC. migrated to the south and west from the steppe regions of Russia due to periods of drought. The ordering principle of the steppe peoples was patriarchally aligned to just one leader, who led the herds to new pastures in search of food, possibly supplemented by raids with other animals. The women later followed in a train. These powerful "heroes", and only you, were given a pompous burial under high mounds of earth, the kurgans. They were sons of the (male) main god of the sun, who could reward with their work through fertility of the herds and meadows and punish through drought.

There, in contrast to the “democracy” of the matriarchy of the Neolithic planter cultures in the Fertile Crescent and later across Anatolia and also in the areas along the Danube, the patriarchal hierarchy system with its top-down structured laws was developed. The subjugated planter peoples were not wiped out on their conquests, but were obliged to pay regular taxes. Livestock farming and grain cultivation: they integrated themselves.

Payments of tribute require precise definition of what is to be prepared and delivered. They require unambiguous terminology and that in writing or clear symbols and of course they require a counting system that can be managed in some way. At the beginning of this integrated mixed culture, in which the subjugated, fixed in writing, should deliver as much of certain things, was the word, was the logos. Combined with numerical values, as found in heaps on engraved lumps of clay in the Mesopotamian region, the patriarchal system of levels was secured.
In particular, of course, when, like most monotheistic religions, the focus is not on a figure of God, but on the faithful fulfillment of religious laws to the letter: Logos then becomes the word of God to be followed meticulously and leaves no thoughts of one's own, no one's own interpretation, no will of their own.
"In the beginning was the Word". "En tä Archä to logos", as it says in the transcription of the ancient Greek translation. Logos, in contrast to myth, means the clear, precise designation of terms, the language determined purely by reason, with results that can also be verified in the form of written records. With myth, on the other hand, is the lively narrative form, which often changes in the details, the form as in pre-written, thus prehistoric times and even today in unwritten cultures, traditions are passed on.Myth, this translation of word, language, tradition is adaptable to the respective situation. A good narrator of mythical stories embellishes, adapts to the world of experience of his listeners. He doesn't tell any "alternative truths", i.e. simply lies, but his stories, like parables, can take place in a completely different environment and still mean the same thing, want to convey a core content for the intended audience in a way that is understandable. They are supposed to be analogies (beyond logic). You just can't make a 100% claim to perpetually the same, verifiably accurate details, as logic would demand. Of course, most of the stories in the Old and New Testaments and the Koran are rarely 100% verifiable facts and certainly do not intend to be. They are just similes or analogies and leave / left many interpretation possibilities open.... but unfortunately reason enough for fundamentalists and dissenters with different interpretations to want to break their heads again and again.Why this stubbornness?A monotheistic religion per se naturally claims that there is only one will of the only God. Characteristic of this, for example, are the tablets of the law which, according to the “myth”, the God of the Jews gave to Moses…. firmly carved in eternal stone. "I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before me". The only god who, according to monotheistic religions, could be imagined as male is, as in many later paintings, depicted as an old, wise man because of his experience. According to the first commandment, he is of course an infallible legislator. His command, his interpretation of things does not allow anything else, no matter how reasonable: "Do not eat from the tree of knowledge". He passes on the execution of the laws according to the narration to the supreme leader of the Jews, Moses, who in turn elects the employee below him. The subjugation under the laws of a male power pyramid is created.Admittedly, the picture of the wise old father with a bushy beard is of course only an invention of European artists in the service of a popular piety eager for pictures. "Thou shalt not make an effigy of God for thyself" dominates both early Christianity and Protestantism, and even more so Judaism and Islam. Of course, it is primarily about the clearly formulated laws that make this patriarchal hierarchy possible in the first place. They need the ladder, but by no means faces fixed in the ladder, because they want to ensure that every man can take a position in this ladder in an interchangeable way. For a long time, aptitude and deeds were less important in climbing the ladder system than birth. At the very bottom, the toiling slaves and serfs will hardly be able to work their way up a level.In order to prevent dissatisfaction, not only corporal and material punishments and rewards come into play, but above all a kind of cryptocurrency: heaven with all the pleasures missed by the poor in life and eternal torments of hell come into play to take advantage of the good worker at the foot of the stairs can. Marx writes about this cryptocurrency: Religion is the opium of the people. Can't you get out of this addictive behavior? Of course, if you eat "from the forbidden tree" without being forced to do so, i.e. if you can think freely for yourself. A shower of any kind of ideology, the constant focus on superheroes at the top of the hierarchical ladder, including Marx, unfortunately keeps you stupid.Who invented this ladder?Of course, it is not "the Jews" who are the earliest form within our three most well-known patriarchal monotheisms. It is well known that Moses, the Jewish people, were strongly influenced by the Aton-sun-bull-god religion introduced by Akhenaten against "polytheism" and its monotheism before the exodus from Egypt. The pharaoh as the direct successor, as the earthly manifestation of the supreme and almost solely important god, thus had absolute power.... also towards the many priests of subordinate gods. That was of course primarily a political calculation. With the introduction of such a power pyramid, Akhenaten was able to draw on the political-religious experiences of other northern peoples such as the Hittites, Hurrites and other proto-Turkish tribes.The ancestors of these "chariot tribes", these "Kurgan cultures" were in several phases beginning probably from about 3000 BC. migrated to the south and west from the steppe regions of Russia due to periods of drought. The ordering principle of the steppe peoples was patriarchally aligned to just one leader, who led the herds to new pastures in search of food, possibly supplemented by raids with other animals. The women later followed in a train. These powerful "heroes", and only you, were given a pompous burial under high mounds of earth, the kurgans. They were sons of the (male) main god of the sun, who could reward with their work through fertility of the herds and meadows and punish through drought.There, in contrast to the “democracy” of the matriarchy of the Neolithic planter cultures in the Fertile Crescent and later across Anatolia and also in the areas along the Danube, the patriarchal hierarchy system with its top-down structured laws was developed. The subjugated planter peoples were not wiped out on their conquests, but were obliged to pay regular taxes. Livestock farming and grain cultivation: they integrated themselves.Payments of tribute require precise definition of what is to be prepared and delivered. They require unambiguous terminology and that in writing or clear symbols and of course they require a counting system that can be managed in some way. At the beginning of this integrated mixed culture, in which the subjugated, fixed in writing, should deliver as much of certain things, was the word, was the logos. Combined with numerical values, as found in heaps on engraved lumps of clay in the Mesopotamian region, the patriarchal system of levels was secured.
In particular, of course, when, like most monotheistic religions, the focus is not on a figure of God, but on the faithful fulfillment of religious laws to the letter: Logos then becomes the word of God to be followed meticulously and leaves no thoughts of one's own, no one's own interpretation, no will of one's own..religion is law?"In the beginning was the Word". "En tä Archä to logos", as it says in the transcription of the ancient Greek translation. Logos, in contrast to myth, means the clear, precise designation of terms, the language determined purely by reason, with results that can also be verified in the form of written records. With myth, on the other hand, is the lively narrative form, which often changes in the details, the form as in pre-written, thus prehistoric times and even today in unwritten cultures, traditions are passed on.Myth, this translation of word, language, tradition is adaptable to the respective situation. A good narrator of mythical stories embellishes, adapts to the world of experience of his listeners. He doesn't tell any "alternative truths", i.e. simply lies, but his stories, like parables, can take place in a completely different environment and still mean the same thing, want to convey a core content for the intended audience in a way that is understandable. They are supposed to be analogies (beyond logic). You just can't make a 100% claim to perpetually the same, verifiably accurate details, as logic would demand. Of course, most of the stories in the Old and New Testaments and the Koran are rarely 100% verifiable facts and certainly do not intend to be. They are just similes or analogies and leave / left many interpretation possibilities open.... but unfortunately reason enough for fundamentalists and dissenters with different interpretations to want to break their heads again and again.Why this stubbornness?A monotheistic religion per se naturally claims that there is only one will of the only God. Characteristic of this, for example, are the tablets of the law which, according to the “myth”, the God of the Jews gave to Moses…. firmly carved in eternal stone. "I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before me". The only god who, according to monotheistic religions, could be imagined as male is, as in many later paintings, depicted as an old, wise man because of his experience. According to the first commandment, he is of course an infallible legislator. His command, his interpretation of things does not allow anything else, no matter how reasonable: "Do not eat from the tree of knowledge". He passes on the execution of the laws according to the narration to the supreme leader of the Jews, Moses, who in turn elects the employee below him. The subjugation under the laws of a male power pyramid is created.Admittedly, the picture of the wise old father with a bushy beard is of course only an invention of European artists in the service of a popular piety eager for pictures. "Thou shalt not make an effigy of God for thyself" dominates both early Christianity and Protestantism, and even more so Judaism and Islam. Of course, it is primarily about the clearly formulated laws that make this patriarchal hierarchy possible in the first place. They need the ladder, but by no means faces fixed in the ladder, because they want to ensure that every man can take a position in this ladder in an interchangeable way. For a long time, aptitude and deeds were less important in climbing the ladder system than birth. At the very bottom, the toiling slaves and serfs will hardly be able to work their way up a level.In order to prevent dissatisfaction, not only corporal and material punishments and rewards come into play, but above all a kind of cryptocurrency: heaven with all the pleasures missed by the poor in life and eternal torments of hell come into play to take advantage of the good worker at the foot of the stairs can. Marx writes about this cryptocurrency: Religion is the opium of the people. Can't you get out of this addictive behavior? Of course, if you eat "from the forbidden tree" without being forced to do so, i.e. if you can think freely for yourself. A shower of any kind of ideology, the constant focus on superheroes at the top of the hierarchical ladder, including Marx, unfortunately keeps you stupid.Who invented this ladder?Of course, it is not "the Jews" who are the earliest form within our three most well-known patriarchal monotheisms. It is well known that Moses, the Jewish people, were strongly influenced by the Aton-sun-bull-god religion introduced by Akhenaten against "polytheism" and its monotheism before the exodus from Egypt. The pharaoh as the direct successor, as the earthly manifestation of the supreme and almost solely important god, thus had absolute power.... also towards the many priests of subordinate gods. That was of course primarily a political calculation. With the introduction of such a power pyramid, Akhenaten was able to draw on the political-religious experiences of other northern peoples such as the Hittites, Hurrites and other proto-Turkish tribes.The ancestors of these "chariot tribes", these "Kurgan cultures" were in several phases beginning probably from about 3000 BC. migrated to the south and west from the steppe regions of Russia due to periods of drought. The ordering principle of the steppe peoples was patriarchally aligned to just one leader, who led the herds to new pastures in search of food, possibly supplemented by raids with other animals. The women later followed in a train. These powerful "heroes", and only you, were given a pompous burial under high mounds of earth, the kurgans. They were sons of the (male) main god of the sun, who could reward with their work through fertility of the herds and meadows and punish through drought.There, in contrast to the “democracy” of the matriarchy of the Neolithic planter cultures in the Fertile Crescent and later across Anatolia and also in the areas along the Danube, the patriarchal hierarchy system with its top-down structured laws was developed. The subjugated planter peoples were not wiped out on their conquests, but were obliged to pay regular taxes. Livestock farming and grain cultivation: they integrated themselves.Payments of tribute require precise definition of what is to be prepared and delivered. They require unambiguous terminology and that in writing or clear symbols and of course they require a counting system that can be managed in some way. At the beginning of this integrated mixed culture, in which the subjugated, fixed in writing, should deliver as much of certain things, was the word, was the logos. Combined with numerical values, as found in heaps on engraved lumps of clay in the Mesopotamian region, the patriarchal system of levels was secured.
In particular, of course, when, like most monotheistic religions, the focus is not on a figure of God, but on the faithful fulfillment of religious laws to the letter: Logos then becomes the word of God to be followed meticulously and leaves no thoughts of one's own, no one's own interpretation, no will of their own.

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