Das Schicksalsjahr 2021 des Profi Kletterers Michael Füchsle

The fateful year of the professional climber Michael Füchsles.
Actually, it was supposed to be his last year of competition, after all competitions in 2020 were canceled due to Corona, Michael climber with handicap had decided to try again in 2021. But everything comes differently than planned. Michael Füchsle had an intestinal perforation with emergency surgery in 2005. Since then, he has an ileo stoma - severe polyneuropathy in arms and legs and anal fistula and 90% severely disabled. Michael's training in January and February started well, through hard training he was able to fully finish some bouldering projects in his home area Konstein early in the year, partly in freezing temperatures. He felt good and stronger than ever, but another health setback in March, destroyed Michael's competition and climbing plants. He developed new festering anal fistula ducts, with which he already had to fight again and again in recent years. Michael could hardly walk, let alone sit, because of the pain. Several doctors and hospital visits followed. Despite everything, Michael still went climbing from time to time, but because of the pain he had to stop after 1-2 routes. Regular training was also out of the question. The months of April and May passed. None of the doctors I visited could really help me. Until June. During another visit to the hospital in Haarlaching, the head physician finally referred him to a g astrologist. After an MRI and further examinations, he explained to Michael that the inflammation could possibly be controlled with infusions. The g astrologist also diagnosed Michael with Crohn's disease instead of ulcerative colitis. His health quickly improved, and he was finally able to start training and climbing again. What Michael could not understand here, he had previously visited so many doctors and hospitals and none of these doctors came to this idea that one could get the strong inflammations with infusions under control. Almost all of them had recommended another operation, which would certainly have ended his career as a professional athlete. But it was already too late to participate in the World Cup in Innsbruck. With such a lack of training, it would have been useless. After consulting with his national coach, Michael decided to take another break from competition this year and concentrate on his training and rock climbing for the rest of the year. After several trips to various climbing areas in Austria - Croatia - Italy - Czech Republic and Germany, his form rose steadily and felt fit again. After many phone calls with Christoph, the national trainer, the DAV finally registered him for the World Championships in Moscow. But the next disappointment was not long in coming. Flight and accommodation had already been booked, and he was looking forward to competing in one more competition this year. 2 weeks before the competition, he received an email from the IFSC that they would still need medical documents from him. One could not understand it, he had already submitted all the necessary documents to the IFSC in February. According to the IFSC, Michael could travel to Moscow, but whether he would get a start permit, would be questionable, so the statement of the IFSC. Since Michael was also at this time in the Dolomites, it would have been impossible for him in such a short time to obtain any documents. The risk was then finally too great and decided to cancel the flight and hotel again to avoid further costs. It was a very big disappointment for him. But who knows Michael, he does not let it get him down. He used the time and traveled again to climb in Finale - Arco and Muzzerone. So the year 2021 came to an end. A year to forget as far as competitions are concerned, a year to think about. Michael was particularly pleased that, despite the corona pandemic, climbing courses are taking place again, which he gives regularly every Wednesday & Thursday in Ingolstadt. Now he is looking forward to the year 2022, where Michael wants to attack again properly, whether in rock climbing , bouldering or competition. Also, Michael would like to try in the Alpine area, (there are also some projects, such as a via ferrata in winter, or once on a 4000er so Füchsle) He just hopes that his health remains stable and can achieve all goals.

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