Internationaler Frauentag 8. 3. 2013

Zum heutigen Internationalen Frauentag:


In Kigali, she wakes up,
She makes a choice,
In Hanoi, Natal, Ramallah.

In Tangier, she takes a breath,
Lifts up her voice,
In Lahore, La Paz, Kampala.

Through she’s half a world away,
Something in me wants to say -

We are One Woman
You cry and I hear you.
We are one Woman
You hurt, and I hurt, too.
We are One Woman
Your hopes are mine
We shall shine.

In Juarez she speaks the truth,
She reaches out,
Then teaches other how to.

In Jaipur, she gives her name,
She lives without shame,
In Manila, Salta, Embu.

Though we’re different as can be,
We’re connected, she with me -

We are One Woman
Your courage keeps me strong.
We are One Woman
You sing, I sing along.
We are One Woman
Your dreams are mine
We shall shine
We shall shine -

And one man, he hears her voice.
And one man, he fights her fight.
Day by day, he lets go the old ways,

One woman at a time.
We are One Woman
Your victories lift us all.
We are One Woman
You rise and I stand tall.
We are One Woman
Our dreams are mine
We shall shine
Shine, shine, shine -

Official song of UN Women, “One Woman”, lyrics by Beth Blatt


Lothar Hofmann aus Marburg


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