The Holodomor in der Ukraine
#Ukraine #Holodomor

The Holodomor catastrophe in Ukraine (1932-1933), created by the Soviet government, is one of the terrible reminders of the hereditary disease of imperialism and the boundless cruelty with which Ukraine’s northeastern geographical neighbor has been trying to destroy it for centuries.

The modern puti@n regime is just a new form of this disease of a society that has not changed in essence since the days of the russi@an Empire.

Ukraine, as a bearer of the values ​​of freedom, has always hindered russi@a in its efforts to destroy everything living, free, democratic, independent, capable of choosing power, controlling it, and changing it – everything that is inherent in the modern civilized world.

Therefore, as in past times, Ukraine and its people are the object of the most brutal attacks.
And that is why it is so important that the people of the democratic world and their leaders understand this and act quickly and adequately to the challenges in order to preserve what many in the world seem so familiar and natural - freedom, not only for us, Ukrainian citizens, but also in principle.

Eternal memory to the victims of the Holodomor.... And to all who died from the inhuman actions of the bearers of this centuries-old imperial monster that must be defeated.


Eugen Stejner & Lena aus Hannover-Bemerode-Kirchrode-Wülferode


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