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Weitere Informationen

Ein Lexus für mich. Nur noch abholen...

  • Lexus, her damit!
  • Foto: Ian Britton,
  • hochgeladen von Vuolfkanc Brugger

Lexus Lotto Promotion for all Car Dealers Worldwide
The Galleria Office,
7, Tunstall Road London,
SW9 8BN,
United Kingdom

Customer Service
Ref: SLP/6420X2/57
Batch: 074/07/JT10


We happily announce to you the draw of the Lexus Lotto Promotion for
all car dealers worldwide,online Sweepstakes program held on Wednesday
6th of January, 2010 in
our International Office in LONDON, UNITED-KINGDOM. Your e-mail
address attached to ticket number: (ES42071-002) with Serial number
EU-175508 drew the lucky numbers: 2 4 17 45 47 Mega (1) which
subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category. You have
therefore been approved to claim a total sum of €1,550,000 (One
Million Five Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euros Only) in cash credited
to file SLP/7907203240/09.

All participants for the online version were selected randomly from
World Wide Web sites through computer draw system and extracted from
over 100,000 Car Dealers unions, associations, and corporate bodies
that are listed online, this promotion takes place annually. Please
note that your lucky winning number falls within our International
booklet representative office in Europe as indicated in the play
coupon. In view of this, your €1,550,000 (One Million Five Hundred and
Fifty Thousand Euros Only) will be released to you in our payment
office in Spain. Our European agent will immediately commence the
process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact

(i) Amount Won: €1,550,000 (One Million Five Hundred and Fifty
Thousand Euros Only)
(ii) Ticket Number: (ES42071-002)
(iii) Serial Number (EU-175508)
(iv) Reference Number (ES07-84-09-00-221)

Contact the claim officer with your winning references, for more
informations and claim including Your Full
Name,Address,Telephone,Fax,Age and Occupation.

Sr. Jose Ibanez
Foreign Service Manager
Tel: +34 634 045 433
Fax: +34 912 919 796
(Ich hoffe, dass diese Email-Adresse von SPAM-Harvestern gelesen wird und mit -zig Millionen SPAM-Mails bespamt wird)

Mrs. Diane E. Hook
(Die Frau, die "Haken" heißt, will jemanden an den Haken bekommen!)
Lexus Lotto Promotion for all Car Dealers Worldwide.

Weitere Beiträge zu den Themen


23 Kommentare

hui, diesmal dauert es aber lang, bis der Spam rausgelöscht ist!

Wolferl, die mögen dich! Öhh - they love you!

... ischo weg der Spam.

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