Heute ist der Welttag des Lächelns!
Bitte recht freundlich - ein Lächeln macht zwei!
One Smile Makes Two!
A smile is quite a funny thing, as it wrinkles up your face;
And if it’s gone, you cannot find its secret hiding place.
But far more wonderful it is, to see what smiles can do:
you smile at one, he smiles at you; and so one smile makes two!
He smiles at someone, since you smiled, and then that one smiles back,
and that one smiles again until you fail in keeping track!
And since a smile can do great good, by cheering hearts of care,
let’s smile and smile, and not forget that smiles go every where!
(Übrigens kann man den Text zu der Melodie von "Auld Lang Syne" singen...)
Hier auch was zum Schmunzeln passend zur Jahreszeit:
Wie heißen die Pilze, die man rauchen kann?
Kifferlinge ;-)